Wednesday, January 30, 2013

exploration three

Moreese Bickham
"try again in six months. well, i went up in six months". I chose this quote becuase this is when he was trying to get a pardon on his trial and get out of prison. I liked this becuase time after time of getting rejected he still went and tried to get a pardon and eventually it pays off in the end. What he tells us about our culture is how much it has changed since hes been locked up. The laws have changed as well as the rights for black.
This profile relates to our culture becuase of civil rights. Hes been locked up since 1958 when black segregation was very strong and blacks had no where near equal rights. His trial happened before any major break throughs with civil righs acts to end segregation. In the world today the cops would have never showed up to Moreese's house becuase back then they could get away with something like that. Also in todays world people wouldnt be as afraid to testify against them becuase the cival rights have changed greatly. it wasnt till 6 years after he was put in prison that the civil right act of 1964 was put into place making blacks rights more equal to the whites.


  1. good job i liked this profile as well good quote too

  2. I loved Bickham's profile as well. Something about it really got to me. IT made me very mad to see that things he had to go through just because he was black.

  3. I thought the Moreese Bickham profile gave me a lot of inspiration. He only acted in self defense and was in prison for something that he did not do. It would be very hard to keep a straight line approach for that long.

  4. I really enjoyed reading the profile of Moreese Bickham as well. I liked his story because I haven't heard any others like that. You hear about how blacks were mistreated but no a story like this. He had an upbeat attitude even though he knew what he was being put through was wrong.

  5. Moreese is one of the most positive people I think we've read about so far. He got locked up during a bad point in time, and it was unjustified. He could have chosen to sulk the entire time and waste away his life, but instead he chose to stand up and keep trying because, in the end, he knew he would succeed. He knew that things would get better for him eventually, he just had to wait.
