Please post your best idea for Essay Three in the Comments section under this blog post. That way we will have all our initial ideas for Essay Three in one place, and hopefully that will help and inspire us on this project.
So here we go, and let's have a good brainstorming session for this Essay Three prompt.
Good luck!
Mike Lohre
Let's share our best idea for Essay Three in the Comments section of this post. |
My idea was simply to compare the works by Bradbury, Huxley, and Orwell and the world we live in today.
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to elaborate on why it's important to have privacy in creativity and outlets as human beings. It's vital to our lives to indulge in hobbies and simple things to keep us happy. I'll be comparing 1984 and profiles from Holding On.
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to compare the society that Winston lived in with a society that exists today maybe North Korea? and see how similar or different they are.
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to compare the industrialization of sex in our world with that of 1984. The whole idea of sex as a sacred, intimate act is diminishing in our society. And in 1984, the Party is trying to take the idea of even lust completely out of the picture.
ReplyDeleteMy idea was to compare the technology and censorship from the book 1984, to today. I would need to research more on today's technology and human rights.
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to stress the importance of getting your story told. As we saw in Holding On, some of those people were just waiting for someone to come along so they could tell their story. This idea came to light for me during the presentation of Johns Hopkins when the presenters said that they couldn't find out much about his early life because they had no records of him because he didn't write anything down. We all need to make our marks with the short time we have in this world so people will always have something solid to remember us by.
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to explain how important it is to follow your dreams and explain the sense of family we felt so many times in Holding On. I can tie this into our world today about people who have followed their dreams and then people who have not. I can also explain the sense of family and community in our world today.
ReplyDeleteAn idea is to see how the usage of torture and interrogation are used in our government and how it compares to the one in 1984. Also see who it changes when people learn when we are doing.
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ReplyDeleteSomething I thought would be interesting to do was compare and contrast the image and industrialization of sex in 1984, today's society and maybe a profile from Holding On. In 1984 it is something that is barely even there and in today's society sexual images are everywhere, especially in the media and advertisements.
ReplyDeleteI would like to tie in together the topics of less educated/informed citizens of the U.S. and our government with lots of emphasis on topics in "In the Presence of Fear" and some comparisons of "1984". It is hard to explain exactly what I want to do........which I am hoping does not flow into actually writing the paper!
ReplyDeleteMy idea was to compare and contrast our world with Winstons world in 1984. I also want to discuss the idea of the American Dream and relate to Holding On
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to analyze the power of government today, and how far should government be allowed to go into personal life to protect citizens and compare it to 1984, and I could also use examples from "In the Presence of Fear" that refer to the Patriot Act and the government being able to wiretap and the loss of privacy.
ReplyDeleteI would like to talk about the effects of The Party in 1984 on the outcomes and lack of individuality seen in the citizens and how important our freedom in America is to our lives. Also speak about how we take for granted our ability to shape our lives around what we would like to and the importance of being an individual.
ReplyDeleteAn idea I have would be to compare and contrast the propaganda use from the book, to our world today. Past or future. Also, I would explain the good and bad of propaganda.
ReplyDeleteMy idea for the Essay 3 was to compare and contrast our american dream that we have now, to the american dream showed in Holding on.
ReplyDeleteExpand upon the idea that the past can be controlled by the present, give examples of how the current governments change the past and compare this to 1984 and just how complete is our knowledge of past events.
ReplyDeleteMy idea is to compare some similarities in our lives to Winston's life in 1984 and also i will compare our lives to some of the people in Holding On. the good and the bad